Common Server Errors and Problems


Over the years we have observed the sort of problems that our users typically run into. When we identify a common problem we try to find a way to eliminate that problem in the future. We benefit because people don't have to ask our support department the same question over and over again, and you benefit because we anticipate and solve your problems before you ever even run into them.

There are a few things that we can't always prevent though, and this section is about those things. These are common problems that people might have when installing MailMan, or common runtime problems that we can't always eliminate in advance for one reason or another.


Server Errors
When installing MailMan, it's pretty common to run into a few errors from your web server. This is especially common if you don't have much experience setting up CGI scripts or if your server hasn't been configured very well. These are some of the server errors that you might see when you're trying to get MailMan to work:

501 Internal Server Error
This is a scary-looking error that you will see pretty much any time that there is ever a problem running any kind of script on your server. It's nothing to be afraid of.

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403 Forbidden Error
This is another error that looks worse than it is. This one usually relates to how your server is configured.

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404 Not Found Error
Most people have seen this one before. It means that you asked for something that doesn't exist.

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"Premature End of Script Headers"
This is a broad error that doesn't mean anything specific.

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MailMan Problems
Some problems relate specifically to MailMan, this section addresses them. Some common problems when running MailMan are:

MailMan works correctly but I can't see any images
This relates to how your server is configured to run CGI scripts.

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My server gives me this error: "Can't locate in @INC", what does that mean? How do I remedy this?
Your Perl installation is probably incomplete. Re-installing Perl will normally solve this problem.

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When I download attachments from MailMan, the file name of the attachment is wrong. Why? How do I remedy this?
Many web browsers ignore the file name that MailMan transmits. We have provided a handy workaround that solves the problem but has a down-side.

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